Our muscles best function in midrange position. For our core, this is neutral spine!
Any deviation from neural position may contribute to back pain, shoulder pain, and pelvis heaviness (prolapse symptoms).
First picture shows a poor alignment when using a baby carrier. The second picture is when I corrected the posture and her back pain magically disappeared.
Here are some tips on how to improve your posture while using your baby carrier (same tips apply for holding/carrying the baby):
1️⃣ Tighten the carrier so that your baby is as close to your body as possible (reduce pressure on lower back).
2️⃣ Stans tall through the crown of your head.
3️⃣ Relax shoulders and bring them over the hips.
4️⃣ Watch that ribcage; focus on keeping it over the pelvis (no rib thrust).
5️⃣ Relax your gluts and use those lower abdominals to help stabilize your spine (no butt clenching/tail tucking)
6️⃣ Soften the knees a touch and move hips over ankles.
7️⃣ When your child reaches approximately six months or 20 pounds, it’s time to switch to back wearing.
With your head, neck, spine, hip, knee, ankle aligned, the load is better distributed, the structure of the body becomes stronger and there’s lesser strain on the joints.
If you are suffering from back pain during pregnancy and postpartum let’s chat! I can help🥰