6-week Postpartum Checkup

Most postnatal check-ups focus on a quick uterine exam, birth control/family planing and questions about mental health.

I haven’t come across anyone who has had their pelvic floor muscles assessed at their 6 weeks check up!

I’ve been working with a lot of moms lately and while everyone’s experience is different I still hear the same question:

“Why didn’t anyone tell me about pelvic floor physical therapy sooner?!”

Let’s put this into perspective…ready? 

Someone has a total hip/knee replacement and the PT order is initiated even before they get discharged from the hospital. But someone who goes through a major abdominal surgery or ends up with a grade 3 or 4 vagina tear to deliver a baby is sent home with some stool softener, pain meds and no proper education on postpartum rehab?That makes no sense to me!

Did you know?!!! In most European continues, pelvic floor PT is the standard of care after birth and ob-gyns prescribe postpartum mamas 10-20 sessions of pelvic physical rehab.

You don’t need to wait for problems to occur or to worsen to seek help. Be proactive by seeing a Women’s Health Physical Therapist in the early months after delivery. Your body will thank you later. 🥰

Take the First Step Toward Your Goals: Request a Free 20-Minute Consultation.